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2016-2017 State of PNAA Address

As members of PNA-GSAC, we support numerous initiatives, activities, and advocacies of our local chapter and our parent organization, the PNAA. In the recently concluded 38th PNAA National Convention, Dino Doliente III, PNAA president shared some of the great accomplishments of the entire association as outlined below.

Thank you for your contributions to PNAA and PNA-GSAC!

The 2017 State of PNAA Address (SOPA) 38th PNAA National Convention General Assembly Aboard the Oasis of the Seas | July 29, 2017


  •  Launched the new, redesigned PNAA website that interphases with mobile phones

  •  Established the new Online Membership Registration System

  •  Released 5 exciting, revitalized editions of Inside PNAA Newsletter

  •  Issued 2 Position Statements: Philippines’ War on Drugs & Support on the Bill “BSN in 10”

  •  Published 2 issues of JNPARR (January 2017 issue and July 2017 issue is set to be published within August, 2017)

  •  The first manuscript resulting from the 2016 membership survey (largest PNAA survey conducted) has been submitted to

the Journal of Nursing Management entitled – Demographics and Job Satisfaction of Filipino American Nurses. A second

manuscript is being prepared.

  •  Established the iCNE (Online Continuing Education) Program for members in collaboration with Walden University

  •  Re-established relationship with APNF & the Philippines Department of Health (DOH) to assess continuation of the Nurse

Anesthesia Program to provide services in remote barangays in the Philippines

  •  Partnership with POLO Phil Embassy, Washington DC: New Paradigm on Ethical Recruitment of Foreign Educated Nurses -

Proposed Provisions on Termination and Breach on Employment Agreement

  •  Continued the Nursing Curriculum Concurrency project and elevated to Generation II that served at least 246 RNs to date

  •  Established Ethical Standards and rules of conduct for PNAA that provides mechanism to resolve ethical conflicts or issues

presented to PNAA

  •  Collaborated with local and national nursing professional organizations in support, response and participation in many

Legislative actions affecting Nursing Profession and Health Care

  •  ProvidednumerousengagingandinnovativeEducationSeminarsthroughthedifferentlocalchaptersofPNAA:24

education offerings with a total of 8,504 Contact Hours awarded to our members


  •  Continued advocacy and guidance with the collaboration of the Human Rights Committee and Migrant Heritage Commission (MHC) to 5 cases concerning newly-recruited nurses from the Philippines accused of breach of contract by their employers and 1 case of an RN regarding an alleged child abuse at a hospital in Chicago, Illinois

  •  Hosted with the Philippine Embassy a tribute to 4 well-accomplished Filipino-American RNs who got accepted to the FAAN Class of 2016

  •  Continued the following Programs/Initiatives: Leadership Fellows Program, Scholarship Program, Nursing Excellence Awards

  •  Conducted a survey to obtain baseline member satisfaction and engagement and provide a snapshot of the perceived relevance and value of belonging to PNAA

  •  PNAA EB was represented and visited 30 local chapters’ events and programs: Inductions, Education Seminars, Community Outreach, Town Hall Meetings


  •  The very successful NCR Conference (PNA Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky), April 2017

  •  The historic National Cruise Convention (PNA Central Florida), July 2017

  •  PNA Metropolitan DC: 2016 Presidential Banaag Service Award in Malacanan, Philippines

  •  Approval of “The Legacy PNAA Book” to provide an official historical glimpse of the birth and journey of PNAA to include

its many achievements and accomplishments since 1979

  •  Completed new Policy & Procedure on Membership Incentive Program; Revised Archives Chapter Website Policy; Updated

JNPARR P & P; Revision of the Nomelec P & P in progress

  •  Established the Policy Advocacy Committee (PAC) to allow PNAA leaders and members join with peers to help support

PNAA’s policy agenda

  •  Re-stablished the PNAA Office of International Affairs to coordinate, enhance, and develop PNAA’s international programs

and events with 6 major accomplishments that has both local and international impacts

  •  Approved the Electronic Voting system to provide election services for 2018 PNAA 1:1 Election

  •  Developed a survey questionnaire to assess Chapter’s involvement in the current IOM/Culture of Health initiatives

 Countless Professional and Service Recognition received by many PNAA members all across the nation


  •  A 34% Membership Increase with a total of 4,033 members, 46 chapters, and 16 subchapters

  •  1 New Chapter: PNA New Mexico

  •  1 New Subchapter: PNA MidGeorgia

  •  2 “Revitalized” Chapters: PNA South Carolina & PNA Greater Sacramento

  •  Strengthened the presence of PNAA and its activities on Social Media Networks: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with almost 4,000 followers and “likers”

  •  Approved $100K donation to PNAAF to assist in establishing the long-time dream to erect the PNAA/PNAAF Legacy Building


  •  Launched the Corporate Sponsorship structure and obtained 3 sponsors: Genesis HealthCare. Inc., University of Hawaii at Manoa and Walden University

  •  Established the first Regional Budget allocating $12K funding for the regions and local chapters’ programs and initiatives

  •  Approvedthe20%MembershipIncentiveProgramfortheregionsandchapters’memberprogramsandinitiativesfora

total of around $40,000

  •  The 2017 3K Fundraising is set to raise a net income of around $25,000

  •  The NCR Regional Conference (April, 2017) successfully earned a net income of $12,000

  •  The National Convention (July, 2017) is poised to have a Net Income of around $30,000

  •  PNAA garnered a Net Income of approximately $80,000 for Fiscal Year 2016-2017

  •  Exercised fiscal responsibility in managing the PNAA Income and Expenses

  •  Currently exploring the creation of a Business Development Ad Hoc


  •  Partnered with the Philippine Embassy in bringing Consular Services to the Filipino community in Orlando, Florida and Tennessee that served 700+ Kababayans

  •  Represented during swearing-in of new US Ambassador to the Philippines H.E. Sung Y. Kim at the State Department

  •  Partnered with the Philippine Embassy, Philippine Humanitarian Coalition (PHC) Washington DC and NaFFAA on projects

and events to promote PNAA

  •  Continued to flourish and reinvent the Filipino Cancer Network of America (FCNA) program in Houston, Texas and other


  •  Represented at the California Association of NP Lobby Day in support of the Senate Bill 323 – “Full Practice Authority”

Legislation for NPs

  •  Signatory as Philippine Humanitarian Coalition (PHC) Affiliate in the letter to President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines

to ratify the Paris Agreement on Climate Change

  •  Initiated planning for 2018 Philippine Nursing Global Summit and International Nursing Conference with co-convenors,

Commission on Filipinos Overseas, PNA, Inc., ADPCN

  •  Started planning for the 1-Day Community Outreach in our PNAA Gawad Kalinga Village in Piel, Bulacan January 27, 2018

in collaboration with the University of Baliuag and Starville GK

  •  Provided numerous community outreach programs and services through the different local chapters of PNAA both in the

US and in the Philippines benefitting over 30,000 Filipinos

Dino Doliente III, MBA, BSN, RN President, 2016-2018

Philippine Nurses Association of America, Inc.





P.O. Box 166, Rocklin, CA 95677-9998

©Copyright 2017 BY PNA-GSAC. 

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